Also, think about adding details to the ghosts, like long airy hair, accessories or make them hold something like a lantern. Turn your mediocre lamp post into an eerie ghost to bring to you the Halloween feel. You might even paint it with glow in the dark paint to make it stand out at night. Make the ghosts headless or without legs, just so like they are about to emerge out of the ground. Use chicken wire to create a life-sized ghost and feature it on your lawn to show off your creativity while also scaring people. There are many more things that one could make using the above technique, like making animal ghosts or other creatures. You can use cheesecloth or curtains to dress the ghost and give them an airy feel, or spray paint them outside with glow-in-the-dark paint. HAPPY SEPTEMBER YALL To kick off spooky season, its time to freak my neighbors out even MORE You have been tagging me in these chicken wire 'yard ghosts'.Another option is to not make any kind of lower body and hang the ghost from a ceiling. If you make a dress, make sure to leave excess wire so to create support for the ghost so it doesn’t fall easily. Now you can either form legs and/or a dress from appropriate length chicken wire.Use some kind of support for the shoulders, like a wire coat hanger or other strong wire. Pinch these cylinders to make elbows and wrists and use wires to hold their shape. To make the arms, cut a 32-inch length from the chicken wire roll and cut them in half lengthways and form two cylinders.Fit the inner layer into the outer layer.

Make the inner layer by cutting another piece of the chicken wire (or from 2-inch chicken wire) but make the tube smaller than the outer layer, so it will fit inside it. Shape the torso by pinching cells in order to form waist and shoulders. Overlap the ends and twist them to keep the shape. For the outer layer cut a 40-inch piece from the roll.
Then you shape arms by pushing some of the wire up were you want the arms to beAnd then you have a torso.īottom of wire figure- I actually didn't make this part I just put a cloak over mine but I helped my aunt make her legs so your going to again wrap it up into the shape of circle (only overlap a little bit) and zip tie. Torso-to make the torso I didn't put anything inside of it but you can defiantly use a manicans body, your going to put it in a circle and zip tie the back together and then your going to make curves to make it look more human like and u can shape arms in the torso or make them separate. Then shape a nose and push in a bit were the eyes and mouth will be. anything you want to add to it.Head-get some head shape thing I prefer a manicin head and then You wrap it around till it's in all the way around the head, then zip tie it were it ends.
How To Make Your Own Ghost Out Of Chicken Wire SUPPLIES How To Make Your Own Ghost Out Of Chicken Wire