The ride is presented from Samus' point-of-view, and all the seats in the theater shake and jostle as she leaps through the base shooting down Metroids and dodging the automated defenses. Recreating the climatic finale from 1994's Super Metroid, Escape from Zebes 4D follows intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran as she launches her final assault on the pirate base Tourian and Mother Brain. The boundaries of human recreation have just been smashed clean off. And now Nintendo has access to real roller coasters. In fact it knows that a good mine cart level is better than any roller coaster that exists, because it doesnt have to deal with sensible physics or health and safety legislation. It knows that a good mine cart level is the closest you can get to riding an amazing, lethally exciting roller coaster without leaving your house. Nintendo knows that mine cart levels are amazing. Later, when everyone else said platformers themselves were old-hat, Nintendo thumbed its other nose, and dropped Donkey Kong Country Returns, with a whole damn world of mine carts.

When everyone else said mine cart levels were old-hat in the early 90s, Nintendo thumbed its nose and showed that it was just everyone elses mine carts that were the problem, delivering in Donkey Kong Country the finest banging, clanging, freewheeling thrills ever seen in a video game. No one game company has done more for the most noble of platforming transportation than Nintendo. Donkey Kong Country Mine Cart Carnage Coaster